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At Last - Somebody Makes Money from Pinterest!
It didn't take long for someone to figure out how to make a profit from the the stuff copied to the Pinterest website by their members. A new has been launched inviting people to join it. They will print your Pinterest pinboards as books or posters - at a price.
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Amazon will deal with Pinterest Copyright Infringements
One of our contributors discovered that all content copied by Pinterest members to the Pinterest website was actually hosted on Amazon servers. This raised the question as to who the DMCA notices for copyright infringements should be sent to. Our member contacted Amazon for an answer. Amazon has now accepted that they will process DMCA notices concerning infringements by Pinterest members.
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Pinterest versus Ethics and the Law - Part 2
In the Part 1 of this series we presented an overview of what Pinterest is and the legal risks members take by engaging in the activities that Pinterest promote. In this part we will look at what Pinterest does to the copyright notices embedded in digital content that their members copy to the Pinterest website.
(March 19, 2013) Many thanks to David Riecks, writing for the DAM coalition, for publishing the updated results of the latest IPTC study of social media practices. We welcome the news that Pinterest now preserves embedded metadata both on upload and download (but not with "Save As"). Nonetheless, be sure to add a watermark to all images, in addition to supplying the correct metadata to any social media uploads, if you choose to use those services. If you have any questions as to how to utilize IPTC, please refer to this manual. Then go over to the Embedded Metadata Manifesto and support their efforts!
Now, read the following for good advice, in general, about what can happen with your social media submissions, keeping in mind that public pressure has encouraged Pinterest to change one important practice for the better. Content creators and rights advocates spent many, many hours advocating for fairness in social media practices. Only with your help and involvement will the situation improve for all.
And remember, Pinterest and its users are not out-of-the-woods yet. So far, Pinterest has not monetized its content. The copyright infringement dime may drop when they do. Why? See this Trademark and Copyright Law opinion.
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Pinterest versus Ethics and the Law - Part 1
A Guide for New Pinterest Members
In this first of a series of articles we will set out in detail why being a member of the Pinterest Club could seriously affect your life and happiness. If you are new to Pinterest and don't know what it's all about, this first article is your essential self help guide to understanding what being a Pinterest member entails.
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An Interview with Takedown Piracy's CEO
Nate Glass is the CEO and owner of Takedown Piracy, an anti-piracy service based in California providing their clients with a means of fighting back against content thieves. We first noticed Takedown Piracy in February 2012 when we discovered an article about them in the 1709 Blog. This blog specialises in copyright subjects; one of their readers wrote to the blog to ask them whether anti-piracy services were "starting to change the landscape of piracy?"