About This Organisation
London Drugs
About this Organisation
"London Drugs is 100% Canadian owned and is focused on local customers' satisfaction. Across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia, London Drugs' 80 stores employ more than 7000 staff dedicated to providing our customers with a superior shopping experience." Corporate Information
About this Report
Competitions seeking submissions of creative works – works such as photos, videos, poems, music, etc. – can be reviewed by the Artists' Bill of Rights campaign. The reviews will help you decide if you should participate.
Rights have a value and you are free to decide what that value is. If a person or organisation wants to use your work to promote anything, you have the right to refuse permission or to set a fee for a specific use. More information about intellectual property rights and their value to you can be read in our Guide to Rights & Licensing.
London Drugs Amateur Photographer of the Year
Closing date: 06 October 2019
It's been difficult to remember a more objectionable competition for its utter disregard for nearly all entrants' intellectual property rights. Furthermore, the terms and conditions are unnecessarily difficult to find. You need to click the javascript link, "Rules", in the footer of a gallery image page or in the footer of this page. Read carefully. The terms give Black Media Press unlimited use of your personal information for any purpose they wish, possibly even for sale to third parties.
This competition, therefore, appears to simply be a means to collect as many free images as possible, for any use whatsoever, by the organizer, their partners, or even for resale as royalty free stock images, all while collecting entrants' emails for advertising and promotion, including the possibility to sell that information to third parties.
We've highlighted only the most objectionable terms below. If you need further clarification, continue reading to learn the ways these terms will affect you and your rights.
"Black Press Media, The West Coast Traveller, London Drugs, Air North and any other affiliate sites of Black Press Media have the right to publish submitted photos, with name credit, for any advertising and marketing purposes in print, applications and digitally."
"By submitting a photo, participants grant the organization administering this promotion, its parents, and subsidiaries a world-wide, payment and royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable and non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, distribute, promote, market, advertise, and display the media, for any purpose, in any form, media, or technology. Participants release these organizations from any and all claims arising out of the use of this media."
"…"use" means to copy, reproduce, modify, edit, synchronize, perform, display, broadcast, publish, or otherwise make use of. This includes, but is not limited to the commercial use of: websites; blog posts; social media; advertisements; marketing campaigns; corporate presentations; newspapers; magazines; books; film and television productions; web and mobile applications; product packaging and merchandising."
"The panel of judges will select the TOP 100 finalists from participants with a minimum submission of five photos." (Ed: You need to submit 5 or more images to qualify for prizes! The more images entered, the images they have for free use.)
"Black Press Media reserves the right to restrict the local winners to only persons whose primary residence is within a 60 kilometers radius of a Black Press Media publication." (Ed: not sure what category this applies to, but you would need a complete understanding of the terms before deciding to give away your images forever.)
"Black Press Media reserves the right to use any and all information related to the Contest, including information on contestants obtained through the contest, for marketing purposes or any other purpose, unless prohibited by law."
Terms and conditions are difficult to find. You should always avoid competitions whose terms are not front and center.
The terms and conditions essentially require you to waive your moral rights. This means you will not be able to object to how, where, or for what purpose your work will be used in the future. Your work could be altered and/or used in a manner you find derogatory or used to promote a product, service or cause you find objectionable. The terms could, arguably, allow your work to be resold without your permission.
The terms and conditions are granting the organiser unlimited use of your work forever. For non-winning works a usage time limit of 3 years or less should be set with usage limited solely to promoting the competition or appeal. It is permissable to use winning works forever but only in a permanent winners gallery with the sole purpose of promoting a recurring competition or appeal.
The terms and conditions grant the organiser the right to use your work beyond that needed to promote the competition or appeal. Usage of your work should be restricted solely to promote the competition or appeal. If the organisation wishes to use your work for any other purpose they should negotiate with you independently of the competition. You then have the right to negotiate an appropriate fee for the specific use they want to make of your work and to set a time limit on such use. You should also have the right to refuse use of your work. For further information on fees and licensing refer to the Introduction to Rights and Licensing.
For further guidance please read the Bill of Rights for Artists, particularly our Bill of Rights Principles.
Yukon Hotels @yukonhotels, Air North @flyairnorth, Northern Tales @YukonAurora, London Drugs @LondonDrugs
Social media is an effective voice! Call out the organisers via social media. Urge them to adopt the principles set out in the Artists' Bill of Rights. Let others know of these regrettable terms.
The Artists' Bill of Rights campaign depends on your active support, your help will make a difference.
About the Artists' Bill of Rights
The Artists' Bill of Rights principles for Creative Competitions
Competitions which meet all the standards set out in the Artists' Bill of Rights principles DO NOT do any of the following -
- claim copyright
- claim exclusive use
- seek waiving of moral rights
- fail to give a credit for all free usage
- add, alter, or remove metadata from submissions
- seek usage rights other than for promoting the contest and no other purpose. Note that a book, posters, cards, or a calendar are seen as legitimate ways of promoting the contest and defraying costs
- seek free usage rights in excess of 3 years
- use the submissions commercially without the entrant's agreement, and such commercial usage is to be subject to a freely negotiated license independently of the competition.
- make it a condition of winning that an entrant must sign a commercial usage agreement
- fail to publish all documents on the competition website that an entrant may have to sign
- fail to name the judges for this or last year's competition
- fail to explicitly state all the organisations who will acquire rights to the submissions
- set a closing date more than 18 months after the contest launch date
- fail to make clear statements of rights claimed and how submissions are used.
We have written an Organizer's Guide to the Bill of Rights to help organisers draft terms and conditions that respect the rights of entrants and at the same time provide legal protection for the organiser.
© Bill of Rights Supporters Group
The above text may be reproduced providing a link is given to the Artists' Bill of Rights.
Any text reproduced in italics in this report has been extracted from a competition or appeal website for the purposes of review.
Organisations who would like to be promoted as a Bill of Rights Supporter and have their competitions promoted on the Rights On List can use this contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.