Spreadsheet Analysis
Spreadsheet Fields
Spreadsheet Fields
The Rights Grabbing statistics are calulated by a spreadsheet. The input to the spreadsheet is the Competition Notice List and each line in the competition notice list contains the following fields, each separated by a comma -
- organisation name,
- country,
- type of organisaton see notes below,
- competition title,
- closing date for entries or it may be listed as weekly, monthly or appeal
- number of photographs entered (if known). If the number of photographs is preceded by a + that indicates it is the number of photographs submitted so far to an appeal, or it is a competition not yet closed for entries.
- Rights Code, a six character code indicating characteristics of rights claimed, see notes below.
- Number of winning entries if known
Each character in the Rights Code has the following meaning;
- Ch1 which entrants grant rights;
- a = all, w = winners only, o =entrant can opt to grant unlimited rights
- Ch2 copyright claimed;
- a = all, w = winners only, n = no
- Ch3 exclusive use claimed;
- a = all, w = winners only, 1 = exclusive 1st use from all, n = no
- Ch4 moral rights to be waived;
- a = all, w = winners only, n = no
- Ch5 rights are time limited;
- 1-9 = no.years, 0 = 10, n = no
- Ch6 purpose;
- c = promote contest only o = other purposes
Note that a rights code = xxxxxx means that no rules regarding rights have been published for the competition.
Type of organisation can be -
- #Gov if wholly or partly funded with public money collected by governments or local authorities.
- #NonP if a registered non-profit organisation,
- #Cha if a registered charity,
- #Pnnn for organisations in the private sector (see {tablink=Sector Analysis}Sector Analysis{/tablink} tab).
Note that some competitions attract a huge volume of entries and to prevent the few such contests distorting the average calculations and the overall analysis they are identified by a double # at the beginning of the type of organisation code. The spreadsheet analyses such contests separately.
Calculations & Creating the Spreadsheet
Calculating the Number of Entries to a Contest
Some contests publish the number of entries submitted by entrants but many others don't. In order to estimate the number of entries submitted to all contests on the competition notice list the spreadsheet has to make an estimate for each contest where the number of entries are not known.
Different estimates are used based on a competitions frequency;
Weekly Contest 149 entries
Monthly Contest 319 entries
The above are conservative estimates based on existing contests to ensure the analysis understates rather than overstates.
For all other competitions (including annual) entries are calculated based on an average of those contests for which the number of entries are known.
Creating Your Own Spreadsheet
You can easily import the data in the Competition Notice List into a spreadsheet for analysis purposes. On a PC you can do this is as follows (we assume it's similar for Mac users) -
1. Select every row of the list then right click and select 'copy'.
2. Open a new Notepad document and paste the data copied at one above.
3. Save the Notepad document to your hard drive and close the document.
4. Open the Notepad document with Excel and follow the instructions, choose the 'fields delimited by commas' option.
5. You now have a spreadsheet of rights grabbing competitions. Have fun and if you discover anything interesting do let us know!
Sector Analysis
Private Sector Business Categories
Note this table may be extended from time to time to deal with new business categories but existing categories will not be changed.
P000-009 Media
P000 Publishing
P001 Broadcasting
P002 Bookseller
P003 Business Association
P009 Other Media
P010-019 Travel
P010 Transport, airlines etc
P011 Accomodation, Hotels etc
P012 Travel Guides
P013 Travel Agents
P014 Private Tourist Association
P020-029 Photography
P020 Manufacturer, cameras/lemses
P021 Manufacturer, other equipment
P022 Supplies, including software
P023 Stock Agency
P024 Specialist publisher e.g. photography magazines/books
P030-039 Technology
P030 Electronics
P031 Software
P032 Internet
P033 Telecommunications
P040-049 Construction/Manufacturing
P040 Building
P041 Engineering
P042 Property Agent
P043 Automobile
P044 Military
P050-059 Retail/Wholesale
P050 Supermarkets
P051 Fashion/Clothing
P052 Outdoor Clothing/Products
P053 Cosmetics/Jewellery
P054 Conglomerate
P055 Warehouse Store/Club or Department Store
P056 Pharmaceutical/Health
P057 Investment/Management
P058 Automotive
P060-069 Food/Agriculture
P060 Food
P061 Agriculture
P062 Drinks
P070-079 Community Websites
P070 Competition
P071 Talent
P080-089 Chemical
P080 Chemical
P081 Oil
P082 Plastics
P090-099 Leisure
P090 Visitor Attractions
P091 Entertainment
P092 Music
P093 Events
P100-109 Financial
P100 Banks/Insurance
P101 Consultancy
P109 Specialist Finance
P110-119 Medical
P110 Private Medical Association
P120-129 Arts
P120 Commercial Arts Organisation